University Education
Winter term 1971/72 – Winter term 1977/78: Study of German Literature, Anthropology, and Philosophy at the University of Goettingen
1978 – 1980: PhD grant Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation)
May/27/1986: PhD. Dissertation published under the title “Die aesthetische Ordnung des Handelns. Moralphilosophie und Aesthetik in der Popularphilosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts.“ Stuttgart: Metzler 1989
Postgraduate Research and Teaching
1979 – 1981: Research fellow in the project “Index zu deutschsprachigen Zeitschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts” at the Academy of Sciences, Goettingen
1989, 1990, 1991, 1992: Summer courses in German Language, German Literature and History (Intensive Language Program) for American students of the “Education Abroad Program (EAP)” of the University of California at the University of Goettingen
1989 – 1990: Research fellow in the project “Index zu deutschsprachigen Zeitschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts” at the Academy of Sciences, Goettingen
April/1/1991 – March/31/1993: Research fellow in the Department of German Philology at the University of Goettingen (Research project as part of a Lower Saxony State Program for Developing the Humanities at the Universities: “Literary Anthropology – Anthropological Aspects of Literature. Cultural Transgressions and Interdisciplinarity in Cultural Studies and the Humanities”)
1991 – 1993: Lecturer in the Department of German Philology, Georg-August-University Goettingen (Teaching of various seminars and courses)
January/1/1994 – December/31/1996: Project-Coordinator in the Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich 309): “Die literarische Uebersetzung“ (“Literary Translation”) (Project “Poetics und Rhetorics of the Other”). Main focus: Questions of cultural theory in the field of translation of texts and between cultures. Ethnographic perspectives for literary studies
Professional Activities / Academic Teaching
Fall term 2016: Max Kade Distinguished Visiting Professor at Georgetown University, Washington, DC, Department of German
Winter term 2015/16: Topoi. Cluster of Excellence, Berlin: Research Fellow
Summer term 2015: University of Trier: Visiting Professor; Topoi. Cluster od Excellence: Research Fellow
Winter term 2011/12: Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen: Visiting Professor
Summer term 2011: Visiting Professor at the University of Graz/Austria
Spring Quarter 2010: Max Kade Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Cincinnati, Department of German Studies
since Summer term 2008: Permanent Senior Research Fellow at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Winter term 2007/08: Senior Research Fellow at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at Justus Liebig University Giessen; Lecturer at the Free University (FU), Berlin
Spring Quarter 2007: Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of California, Irvine, Department of German
Winter term 2006/07: Lecturer at the Free University (FU), Berlin
Winter term 2005/06: Lecturer at the University of Zurich, Switzerland
October/1/2005 – January/31/2006: Fellow Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften (IFK) / International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna
Winter term 2004/05: Lecturer at the Free University (FU), Berlin
Summer term 2004: Lecturer at the Free University (FU), Berlin
Winter term 2003/04: Visiting Lecturer at the „Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum für Doktoranden- und Postdoktorandenstudien“ (Graduate Centre for Cultural Studies), University of Frankfurt (Oder)
Winter term 2002: Visiting Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Department of Germanic Languages
Winter term 1999/2000 and Summer term 2000: Visiting Lecturer at the Department of German Studies, University of Potsdam
Summer term 1998: Visiting lecturer at the graduate school “Interkulturelle Kommunikation” („Intercultural Communication“), University of Saarbruecken
Fall term 1997: Max Kade Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Michigan, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Ann Arbor, Michigan
February – August 1997: Visiting scholar at the Center for Modern and Contemporary Studies, UCLA, Los Angeles
Professional Services
2012 – 2017 Member of the “Rat fuer kulturelle Bildung” (founded in 2012)
2013 – 2018 Member of the Think Tank of the Berlin Cluster of Excellence “TOPOI: The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations”
1999 – 2006: Member of the Evaluation Committee for PhD fellowships at the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation, Berlin
1992 – 1996: Academic counsellor at the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation, Berlin
2019 Prize of the „Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik“ (Society of Intercultural German Studies) for experienced scholars 2018
Institutional or Professional Memberships
Consultant Editor of the journal „Translation Studies“ (London, New York: Routledge) – first issue January 2008
Member of the Editorial Board of the multilingual series
“Repraesentation-Transformation. representation-transformation. représentation-transformation. Translating across Cultures and Societies”
Ed. Michaela Wolf. LIT Publishers Munster-Hamburg-Berlin-Vienna-London
Editor (together with Horst Carl, Wolfgang Hallet, Ansgar Nünning) of the series Concepts for the Study of Culture (CSC) (De Gruyter publishers)
Member of the Editiorial Board of the Anthem Series on Thresholds and Transformations
Member of the Society of Intercultural German Studies (Gesellschaft fuer Interkulturelle Germanistik)
Member of the Society of Intercultural Philosophy (Gesellschaft fuer Interkulturelle Philosophie).